Jet Setting With Me | Luxury Travel Hacks and Tips for Unique Traveling Experiences and Dream Destinations
Are you dreaming of iconic vacations filled with enchanting experiences and cherished memories that will last a lifetime?? Then “Jet-Setting with Me,” is the perfect listen! Join us as we delve into set-jetting - the soul-stirring blend of luxury travel, storytelling, and behind-the-scenes looks at places we visit on our screens but dream of visiting in person, travel hacks to elevate your travel experiences and how to craft your wanderlust adventures or travel with Michele on hers. Michele, the OG Memory Maker behind Makin' Memories Travel, brings a touch of "Extra AF'' to your podcast experience. As a connoisseur of luxury adult travel, her unrivaled expertise has led her to design hundreds of tailored itineraries thoughtfully curated for discerning travelers. Grab your popcorn and your favorite bag and get ready for a one-of-a-kind podcast as she shares insider tips and firsthand experiences for set-jetting vacations, unravels the secrets to bougie travel, and indulges in amusing conversations with her Extra Friends. Connect with Michele on IG @jetsettingwithmichele.
Jet Setting With Me | Luxury Travel Hacks and Tips for Unique Traveling Experiences and Dream Destinations
19. Jet-Setting with the Girls: Our Ideal 'Sex and the City' Vacay
I'm joined by 3 fabulous friends today for a conversation about our Sex and the City vacation types. (Remember the episode 12 quiz?) We embrace our inner Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha to chat about our different travel styles and reveal the one epic vacay that we are ALL on board with. Spoiler alert...you're invited to join us!
Join us for Virtual Cruise Night to get a sneak peek into the luxurious accommodations, breathtaking destinations, and fabulous activities that await you on this once-in-a-lifetime journey. We also have exciting booking specials and exclusive offers reserved just for our virtual attendees!
Download my free guide: 10 Tips for A Luxe Disney Vacation or connect with me on Instagram @michelevisitsmickey.
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Hello, friends, and welcome back to another episode of let me adjust my ears. And I am pumped today. because I have 3 of my fellow travel advisors and 3 friends and actually people I have traveled with and have future travel plans with all three of these lovely ladies. And there are four of us on the call today, and that is because Each one of us is an archetype of the sex in the city slash “what Disney vacation type are you?” So I'm gonna start with my friend, Nikki, and let her introduce herself and tell you her archetype.
Hello, everyone. Thanks so much, Michele, for having all of us on. This is gonna be so much fun. When I took the quiz, which was so fun to take, I came out as Samantha, which other Sex and the City quizzes have always pegged me as a Samantha, you know, being that confident loyal to a fault. yeah, if only if only I was wildly wealthy like she is, that would be fantastic. So I feel like, you know, I really jive with that Samantha archetype. so yeah, it was it was really exciting, but yet also Not too surprising.
Okay. Let's go to Erin. And Erin, introduce yourself please and tell us what archetype you are.
Hello. Yeah. I am Erin. I'm a fellow travel advisor. And I got mostly Miranda. So I'm playing Miranda. Right?
So I'm your, friendly Mirandaian, travel friend. I thought the quiz was so much fun. I was incredibly surprised that I got a little sprinkling of all the girls, and, I always just assumed I was gonna be mostly Charlotte because I'm a little shy. And, you know, I kinda go with the flow, but, no, I got a few answers that were Samantha surprised me actually because I'm like, I'm not that fabulous or wealthy, but she likes sushi, and I like sushi. And
She does like sushi.
Yeah. So that's why I'm mostly Miranda because there are just a lot of things that we're very similar to. and, do you wanna talk about quiz results yet?
No. No. Let's let Katelyn introduce herself. And then I will tell everyone my archetype story, and then we can definitely talk results. So Katelyn, please tell everyone your archetype and introduce yourself as well.
Absolutely. So hello everybody. My name is Katelyn. you've just heard from me recently on another pod, so Michele Thank you for having me back. I am always happy to be here. And when I took this quiz, I got a pretty even mix between Charlotte and Miranda, but I leaned definitely a little bit heavier toward Charlotte. So, whenever I would watch Sex in the City, I always identified with Charlotte, and I guess now I know why because I embody her in my Disney vacation style. So super excited to chat with all of you guys today and see how we all represent these different organizations.
Awesome. So this is Michele. And I wrote this quiz long before there was any diversity on the show. There was no am just like that, and I'm not even I think both movies had come out. But I wrote this when I was a wedding planner, and it was what type of wedding are you? or what type of wedding would you most like? But the quiz questions itself have not changed or the answers, but I, of course, wrote it when I changed it to theme parks, I wrote it to go to the Walt Disney World in Florida or maybe even an international theme park, but definitely the theme parks. Like, the popcorn and the licorice, that was all about me. And I have always identified myself as a Carrie. And I just retook the quiz, like, 2 days ago in preparation for the pod, and I turned out to be a Charlotte. So I'm very kind of upset. No offense, Katelyn. And I'm definitely not a Disney Cruise. I am a cruiser, but definitely not a Disney cruiser. So I'm still gonna own that Carrie as my archetype. But that brings me to, I would love to hear from each of you. How accurate did you find it? So Nikki kinda told us that she found it accurate, but Katelyn and Erin had a smattering of both. So, yes, Katelyn, talk about your results since you brought that up.
Yeah. So this is Katelyn, like Michele said. And, with Charlotte, her results were the Disney Cruise Line being the quote, unquote best Disney vacation for my archetype. And I actually absolutely agree with that. because whenever I go on vacation, I like to have that balance between relaxing and going to the beach and you know, being at the pool and being able to read a book, but then also doing something super fun and maybe a little bit more cultural, getting out and exploring the different poor call. so when I found out that that was, you know, what paired with Charlotte, I thought, wow, that really does make a lot of sense with me and the types of vacations that I like to go on. So that was pleasantly surprised.
Cool. Erin and Nikki, just either one of it, but you wanna bring in on that. Go ahead.
Here, the total Samantha. And Samantha's, like, Disney archetype aligns with Aulani in Hawaii, which is totally me. You know, I love, Like, one of the things for her is, like, the longest 1st class flight. The first time I ever flew 1st class was to Hawaii, and So, you know, that just that just hit me right. And then everything like about Aulani, having this adult only like spa and the Alma restaurant that's right by the water that is just totally delicious, and you won't find another place in Hawaii that you can, like, have that experience. and it's, you know, it's done by Disney, but done with so much of that Hawaiian authenticity. And it just connected with me. Like, if I was given, you know, a a free check to travel, probably Aulani is gonna be at the it is at the top. some of the foreign parks kind of are up there, just more from a bucket list standpoint.
Yeah. I can relate to that.
Aulani is is it all the way for me from everything? I mean, hello. You can get you can get your, shave ice in the shape of a Mickey Mouse with like 4 different flavors. It is, it is amazing. And with that West Coast location, those sunsets,
So romantic. Very nice. Yes. We know Samantha does love a romantic sunset. She has been known to, enjoy those. Erin?
So my, ideal vacation was the Adventures by Disney, which was A little bit of a shock to me because it's what I've most wanted to do always, but never thought I would ever have the budget for it. So when I saw it pop up, I was like, Oh, oh, okay. Universe. Maybe I will have to take an Adventures by Disney vacation. there are a lot of things about Miranda that are are things that are very true about me, but I just don't say very much, I guess. So it was just kind of interesting that, I kept getting her over and over and over. when I know the parks and Disney cruise line the most, like, as someone who specializes in that, and those are the two things I I do the most. but I've I've loved every time I've gone to, Europe or just anywhere international. I love experiencing the culture. I love eating everything that's good. I always wanna try the local pastry, the local anything. I really wanna go to Spain and Portugal and try their local pastries. but, yeah, adventurous by Disney, I I definitely want to go. I love the idea that you're guided, by people that care about you, that give you this intimate experience. It's not just a generic packaged tour. you have, up to 2 guides with you at all times. The groups aren't huge. You know, you've got twenty people, maybe max, you've just got, a really great group of people, and I like that it's all of that attention and detail that Disney gives to their vacations to their cruise line, to their resorts, but with international travel. And even in America, they have like a Yellowstone in a great American West. adventures by Disney. it's not just international travel.
Because Miranda is a lawyer and a persuader, and she would be convincing all of us to go on an invasion.
We should all go.
Yeah. Yes. I agree, though. -- ad camp,
from an adventures by Disney. trip.
There we go.
Put that on the bucket on the Disney bucket list. Yeah. Which Katelyn, as we learned on the Club 33 pod, is ahead of all of us on. So, Katelyn, have you ever done a Disney cruise?
I have. So I've done 2 Disney cruises so far. and they were kind of polar opposites of each other. So the first one that I did was on the dream and that was just the the Bahama cruise down to Castaway Cay, which is Disney's private island. and it was lovely. We got to spend 2 days there.
And I can totally see Charlotte at Castaway Cay, by the way.
Me too. I loved Castaway Cay so much, and I think the other stuff that we had was in and I it was in the Bahamas because I we went to Atlantis for the day. and then the second Disney cruise that I did was the Mediterranean Cruise on the Magic, and..
I can also see Charlotte enjoying that very much.
Yes. It was just, like, it was just so much history, and we know that when Charlotte commits to something, she goes all in on it. and that was that was that trip. We went all across Europe. It we sailed from Barcelona We went all the way over to Greece and Turkey and then came all the way back and it was it was absolutely incredible. I, you know, I I think with Disney Cruise Line, they do have a lot of you know, obviously, it is geared a little bit, you know, towards kids. But since I we were cruising with all adults, we were able to kind of separate ourselves from that. And all of the excursions that we did, the port adventures that we did were all adult-only excursions, so we didn't have any kids with us. We spent a lot of time at the different adult-only pool There is a restaurant on Disney Cruise Line, called Palo, and we were able to dine there. So that is a bill only as well. And so you can really if you wanna be with the kids, you can be with the kids, you don't wanna be with the kids, you don't have to. and I was a big fan of that. So it was wonderful.
So for everyone listening, first of all, she mentioned Palo and all all of us were nodding our heads because we've all done Palo. It is pretty awesome. But secondly, I should mention that Again, when this crew when this quiz was originally written, even though Charlotte had become a parent because the movie was out, The kids did not play nearly the prominent role that they do in the end just like that chapter of the show. So Everybody was childless. And I should say that all four of us well, I have stepkids, but I'm an empty nester. So all four of us are also childless. And so just like Samantha, adult-only vacations very much appeal to all of us on this call. So I just have one last question, and then I have a very exciting special announcement for all of you out there listening to let me adjust my ears. And I should say that it has a lot more to do with sex than the city than Disney. So I just wanna know if there was a particular question on the quiz kinda jumped out at you that you were like, oh my gosh, this is 100% me.
So, Nikki, here, the one that, like, I, like, totally related to was the question, like, related to what you're drinking, either before or after your workout,
Yeah. And it was, like, the matcha tea all the way. I think I might have even when I was taking it, I'd, like, had matcha tea in my I'm like, yep. Yep. This is this is me right here right now.
I think for me, it was a tie between the most comfortable outfit, which was the ripped jeans and, like, a band t shirt or something. I'm like, yeah, that's my uniform. I have that's ready to go right now. That's all I packed for my last curse with a very Miranda thing being comfortable. And but then also I think it was the Miranda answer when, they would you like to do on a Friday night? And I was like, Netflix and yoga pants. That's what I would like to do. Absolutely. My favorite thing.
I would say the one that stuck out to me just because I am training for the Dopey Challenge in 2024. was the question of, like, what's in your bag, and it was gym shoes, sneakers, all the way. because I am just in my running mode right now.
So -- Which was actually a Miranda answer. Yeah. because she's trained for the marathon. Yeah.
And and I actually --
As soon as I saw that.
And Nikki, I actually I'd have to go back and check, of course, the answers, but I think Macha Tea was actually Charlotte. And Erin, I think the, ripped jeans that was might have been a Carrie, but definitely may it might have been I would have to go back and check, but when I was thinking about the jeans, it was the episode, with Miranda and her skinny jeans.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm
sorry. So -- You know, your
head. Yeah.
Is there, like, one that I really related to was, having your yoga mat because there's no way that I'm just on the bear for her.
Yeah. That is Samantha 100%. because she even does hot yoga. And she has a thing for her yoga instructors as we as you anybody who knows the show as well as I do would remember. So, the question that, of course, makes me a Carrie 100% is the one about that has licorice and popcorn in it because I do wish to eat. But, I think that now at least because I have been to the park so much. It really an international park, but Adventures by Disney show appeals to me. So I don't know how I became a Charlotte, but I guess I've aged appropriately, and I've raised kids now, so that makes me a Charlotte. But I still love adults-only only vacations. Erin is gonna be able to speak to this even better than I can because she's been on quite a few of them, but there is a cruise line that requires that every passenger be eighteen or older, and that is the lovely new cruise line Virgin Voyages. So, Erin, just quickly tell us why you love Virgin Voyages.
Oh, boy. Quickly. Okay. I love Virgin Voyages because whether you're an extrovert or an introvert, you can find your happy place on a Virgin Voyages cruise. There's little alcoves to be away from people, and then there's the manner with the sparkly iridescent hallway to be extroverted. If you can come as you are, it's a wonderful place that accepts all backgrounds, all ways of life, and it's adults only. No kids allowed, and the food is amazing. It the food is wonderful.
Which we know is important to all 4 of our archetypes. Like, if there's a happening place that's new. They wanna be there eating and drinking all the signature cocktails, mostly cosmos, but we get the drift. And that continues in the new series and just like that. So everyone is definitely welcome at wherever the girls are dining. So I already explained that we're all 4. Well, I'm an empty nester, but all four are childless. And my tagline for making memories travel, which I said on the last pod, or on the pod where I did the quiz, excuse me, is if you wanna go to Disney the way Carrie Samantha Miranda or Samantha would go, I'm your girl. Like, I am so awesome at planning vacations for adults only to Disney World. and, yes, you will get that look, you know, the childless millennial look, but I'm still really good at it. So and that's not to not to say that Nikki, Erin, and Katelyn aren't good at planning to see vacations because they all are but that's just my specialty in my niche. So I am planning a virgin voyage in July 2024, and I am inviting all of you listeners to come along. Let's get carried away. And we're going to have it some special guests on this cruise, including Cindy Chupack, I know I just mangled your name, Cindy. I am so sorry. Cindy is a former producer, creative director, and writer on the original series, she wrote the episode 1, which is my all time favoriteest episode in the 6 seasons of the series. And she also back in the day wrote my Jdate dating profile. So she and I have a special bond, and she and some other special VIPs will be joining us on this cruise. So if that sounds like something that you might be interested in, I encourage you to go to the show notes and find out more details, It's going to be a Greek Island glow Virgin Voyages cruise in July of 2024. And I should say that I did a survey of not just the three women on this call, but several other travel advisors with a couple different options and said, if a Carrie Bradshaw were going on a trip right now, what would it be? It was 100% this Greek island grow glow cruise on Virgin Voyages. So if you really have ever wanted to take a vacation with Carrie or her gal pals, Not just her gout pals, but standing in Anthony included, then this is the opportunity for you. So I just wanna thank everybody. If you have anything to say before we we see you real soon, now is your chance, ladies?
Just thank you. This is Erin, your Miranda again. Thank you so much for inviting me and all of us. I love everybody on this you're all wonderful. And you're making me wanna watch Sex in the city again.
I just did a full rewatch.
I will pause my constant relistening of Harry Potter novels, and I will go watch Sex in the City.
That's something else I do is I listen to Harry Potter. I haven't done that in a while. Nikki, Katelyn, any final words from our Samantha and Charlotte's out there?
The thing. Yep. This is Katelyn, the Charlotte of the group, you know, to echo Erin's Michele, thank you for having us on the pod. I think this was really great. This cruise sounds amazing, so I can't wait to check out the show notes to learn more and hopefully see everybody in the Greek isles.
I hope so too. You are definitely in mind when it was being planned. Nikki, you were gonna say something. I heard you.
Yeah. So just that, like, this Greek island glow itinerary is amazing. And if you like sucks in the city, if you, you know, relate to any of the girls, or if you wanna get out and explore. This is gonna be such a fun, like, girls, adult-only cruise experience and no better way to do it and, like, get out and see then, you know, to do it with a group like this. And Michele, for you to put this together, oh my gosh. I don't even wanna I mean, I know everything that goes into So congratulations on getting it together and getting all these people here. you know, to be honest.
It is I am very excited. It was a late-night light bulb just so I'm I'm really excited about it.
So -- -- the best. The best. Yeah.
I'm so excited. -- knowing Cindy who wrote my Jdate profile back in the day was kind of like, oh my gosh. it gave me a chance to reach out to her again after all these years with both of us. At the time, she was interested because I was already on Jdate. and she was still single as was I. And she wanted to know about whether it was working. And I was like, no, not really, but maybe you being the comedy writer should take a look at my dating profile. So she helped me get dates, she was my matchmaker, basically.
So, anyway, thank you so much. And to all my listeners out there, I will see you real soon. And ladies Thank you. I will see you all real soon too.