Jet Setting With Me | Luxury Travel Hacks and Tips for Unique Traveling Experiences and Dream Destinations

50. 6 Travel Mistakes Even the Best Jet Setters Make

Michele Schwartz

 In the glitzy world of jet-setters, even the most seasoned travelers can find themselves stumbling into common travel mistakes. From rookie errors to pitfalls best avoided, join me as I uncover the top blunders experienced by expert travelers and share invaluable pro tips to ensure smooth sailing on your next adventure.

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Hello, my fellow jetsetters. Welcome to another episode of jetsetting with me. In the world of jetsetting, even the most seasoned of us, yes, I'm looking in the mirror, can find themselves stumbling into common travel mistakes. From rookie errors to pitfalls best avoided, today, we're going to uncover the top blunders that are experienced by expert travelers. And I may have done all of these at one time or another in my own travel history. So I'm going to share the invaluable tips that I learned along the way that I learned the hard way to ensure smoother travel on your next experience. Picture this, you splurged on all the cool gear for your upcoming adventure? For me, it was deciding my look needed cute little sandals as I went off to meet my BFF, Donald Duck, instead of walking shoes to traverse Epcot. Those snazzy hiking shoes you may have bought, that sleek backpack and the rain jacket that screams adventure awaits.

But, hey, just slipping them on won't cut it. Take them out for a spin. It's a pre trip fashion show, but for your gear. Before you declare them good to go, step out into the wild and give them a test run. So if a European city stroll is on your agenda, strut around your own city in those new shoes to ensure you're ready to conquer without any blisters. Planning a South American hike? Well, my first question is why. But besides that, my advice is gear up with that new backpack, hit a local trail to see if it's ready to handle your adventure. Trust me, a trial run is the secret to a smooth journey ahead.

Number 2. It's time for me to spill the tea on booking flights too far ahead. I get it. Waiting until the last minute is not ideal, but let's not blast off too early into the booking galaxy either. Booking too soon could have you missing out on those sweet deals that make our hearts sore. AirHelp has even labeled it as the ultimate travel faux pas. Yikes. It's like arriving too early to the party and missing all the fun.

The golden window? 1 to 3 months before your takeoff for those domestic flights. Timing is everything, my friends. But here's the really juicy part. Locking in your flights too soon could leave you in a bind if your plans take an unexpected twist. Imagine the change or cancellation fees because you jumped the gun on booking. Stay fabulous by staying flexible. Number 3. Ladies and gents, it's crucial to honor local cultures when you're jet setting across the globe.

But how can you show respect if you're not in the know? Well, do your due diligence and find the 411 from a local to the country you're about to go visit. This insider scoop will unveil the do's and the don'ts that have you strutting like a fashion icon upon your arrival. Do you need me covering chic at local landmarks the most? Israel and the wall looking at you. Is fashionably late the new rude? No. It's the old rude when it comes to arrivals, and don't get me started on proper tipping etiquette. Remember, it's always best to ask these burning questions before you pack those bags, Because let's face it, friends, a true jet setter knows how to blend in seamlessly no matter where she roams. New trick I'm trying, Duolingo. Before I land in Greece in June, I will know how to say hello, goodbye, thank you, where's the restroom, Is it too hot? Is it too cold? What's the best food here? Anything I can think to ask a local Uber driver will be on my Duolingo to do list.

Number 4. Looking to up your travel game? We all are. Say goodbye to blindly picking hotels, dining spots, and tourist hotspots. Instead of diving head first into the unknown, why not cozy up to a travel advisor who's a travel pro that specializes in your dream destination? Picture this, booking a hotel without knowing its vibe, dining at a pricey restaurant without insider tips, and wandering aimlessly at tourist traps, ring any bells, folks. Not exactly the jet setting experience we all envision. By teaming up with a travel adviser who specializes in your desired area, you will unlock a treasure trove of local secrets, hidden gems, and exclusive experiences. Who needs generic reviews when you can have personalized recommendations that are tailored just for you and your family, or your besties, or you're traveling solo. That's cool too.

We've got the hookup. It's like having your own VIP access card to the best kept travel secrets. Now that is what I call jet setting in style. Now let's review. Number 1, take your snazzy new gear out for a pre trip fashion show. Number 2, don't jump the gun on booking those flights. What's that sweet spot? 1 to 3 months before takeoff. Number 3, respect the local culture.

Get the 411 from someone who's from that country. Master your Duolingo, and make sure to find out the local tipping etiquette. Number 4, cozy up to that travel advisor who's a specialist in your upcoming destination. And number 5. Here we go. Let's dive into the ultimate travel faux pas. Failing to pack your carry on like the jet setting pro you are. When it comes to the packing game, remember this golden rule.

Keep your change of clothes, prescription medications, and precious belongings in your carry on, not your checked luggage. Although airlines have made progress in reducing lost suitcases to the tune of 70%, you certainly don't want to be among the 30% who fall victim to this unfortunate mishap. Picture yourself in a foreign city without your essential medications. It could be a potential disaster. For me, it happened in Germany when I was diagnosed with COVID and stuck there. It wasn't that I didn't have my medications with me in a carry on. It was I hadn't packed enough because I wasn't planning on spending an extra 5 days in the country. So now, I always pack extra medication in my carry on.

Here's my friendly piece of advice. Be a savvy traveler and pack anything you might need in that carry on. A well packed carry on isn't just luggage. It's a style statement that shouts, I'm a savvy traveler, and I've nailed it. Finally, number 6. Picture this, my friend. You touched down in a foreign city, ready to shop till you drop. Okay.

For me, it was Costa Rica, and it was actually tipping my guides needing cash, only to have your bank play party pooper and freeze those plastic cards of glam. Total buzzkill. Actually, quite frightening. I literally got an anxiety panic attack. To keep the fashion show rolling smoothly, give your bank a heads up before you jet off. It's all about the pre travel glamour routine, and most banks make it a breeze with their online notification systems. Shop till you drop, darlings, without any banking drama running your stylish vacation vibes. It also helps to make sure that any local places you're traveling, except the credit cards you're carrying.

American Express doesn't always make the travel hack. Now, as we bid adieu in this glamorous world of jetsetters on today's episode, If you've learned anything about the common travel mistakes even the best of the best can stumble upon, why not share this episode with a fellow jetsetter setter who can learn something too? You can leave a review on Apple Itunes or your favorite podcast listening app, and definitely DM me on Instagram at jetsetting with Michelle, and that's Michelle with one l, and yes, it's in the show notes. And tell you which invaluable lesson learned and expert tip shared was the most valuable for you to ensure smooth sailing and memorable journeys ahead.

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